
I designed this patch with the MGMT. Design studio during the summer of 2018 for Bloomberg Businessweek’s “Eight Logos for Trump’s Space Force, From Milton Glaser and More.”
In the face of the terrible treatment of immigrants in the U.S., my little alien aimed to pull attention back to the earth and to represent the so-called “aliens” being caught in the cross hairs of current U.S. immigration policy. With my patch design I wanted to highlight the importance of combatting xenophobic policies and actions. We must support organizations and politicians who are willing to think about the complex issues that create refugees while also preparing to create better immigration policy.
In the face of the terrible treatment of immigrants in the U.S., my little alien aimed to pull attention back to the earth and to represent the so-called “aliens” being caught in the cross hairs of current U.S. immigration policy. With my patch design I wanted to highlight the importance of combatting xenophobic policies and actions. We must support organizations and politicians who are willing to think about the complex issues that create refugees while also preparing to create better immigration policy.