This in-progress book design project has involved working directly with the artist on his novel and on the immense project of archiving his artworks, pieces he has produced since childhood. Using collage and textural approaches, the book seeks to bring new life to 600 pages of writing and a lifetime of art production. Above are a few sample pages from within the piece.

SYSTEMS OF SHARE: Dining Together
This book documents my project navigating the interconnectivity and complications involved in the long chain required to get food to the table.
As part of the project, I collaborated with the Executive Chef David Gould to create a menu that could be produced in the Metcalf Refectory alongside the normal processes that occur in the dining hall kitchen.

By preparing a dining event, I aimed to create a space for thoughtful, creative conversation and to foster a sense of community and intimacy. Dinners can bring a wide variation of people and foods together and I wanted to utilize this powerful space as a part of my Degree Project. Through the action of planning and creating this dining event I wanted to create a sense of closeness to food systems that is often not considered, especially when in proximity to a student dining hall service.
From person to person, online presence and engagement varies. Some of us are active contributors, others casual users. When you Google a friend you might find nothing, or you could find several social media profiles, high school athletic records, articles they’ve authored, posts they’ve made, mysterious sites listing their home addresses, links they’ve clicked, and comments they’ve made.
This book involves documentation of my workshop and research. For the participatory event, “Feeding the Internet Generously,” I brought people together to discuss the ways that they use and contribute to the internet, both casually and intentionally. The event was meant to serve as a space for discussing and contributing to the diverse online platforms that make up social media, provide art and design resources, and aid in academic research.

Our connections, particularly over social media, give advertisers and brands a rich opportunity to invade and influence. The complexities of data collection and corporate capitalism are embedded into digital use, but our time online also gives us the opportunity to access and share incredible resources. The internet is a tangled space with a great deal of intricate problems. Among these interconnected issues are equitability and compensation.
“Sounds of the Materials Collection” was made in collaboration with Kevin Dong. The ASMR Mixtape can be listened to and enjoyed on Soundcloud. Click anywhere “Sounds of the Material Collection” related to learn more.
The project was produced during our employment at the Fleet Library, Materials Collection. This section provides visitors with access to a great deal of industrial items; including polymers, plastics, wood, and organic materials. Guests are invited to touch and explore the possibilities of these sample objects.
With the intention of exposing different ways of engaging with material (beyond touch) we produces ASMR audio experiences.
Keeping in touch with incarcerated loved ones can be difficult, especially during a pandemic. Made in collaboration with The Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP) and The Correctional Association of New York (CANY), this booklet explains how to keep in touch through visits, mail, emails, and phone calls.
Click anywhere “Keep in Touch” related to learn more!

The final pamphlet centers community members' feedback through illustrations emphasizing relationships and the importance of connection, which is what motivates them to work through this complex system.
Incarceration isolates individuals from their families and community. Staying connected to loved ones and your community is important for health and wellbeing, especially for incarcerated people. Family and friends of incarcerated people often struggle to access and understand the rules that explain how to keep in touch with incarcerated loved ones. They often don’t know how to navigate the prison system by themselves or where to go for help. The pandemic has made it even harder to keep in touch with incarcerated loved ones, as prison policies regularly change and communication gets disrupted or delayed.
Since the launch, CANY has received requests for the booklet from incarcerated people and their loved ones. In the words of one community member with years of experience navigating the prison system to keep in touch her incarcerated loved one, "It’s a great resource for people new to the scene because it has crucial points of contact that people often find out about late."